Dog Treat Recipe With Beef Liver

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Homemade dog treats consisting of meat, herbs, and spices make for healthy dog treats. These natural dog treats are easy to make and quite beneficial to the overall health of your pet.

natural dog treats

Homesteading has its perks. The ability to grow food, preserve the harvest, and raise meat which is humanely raised is a true blessing.

Because we feed our dogs a complete raw diet it is important that they also receive natural dog treats. Healthy dog treats containing meat and beneficial herbs and spices.

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Keep in mind, dog treats are a dessert item and should be offered sparingly. An overweight dog is high risk for many health issues. It's important to minimize the amount of treats being offered, even all natural dog treats.

Looking for a great training treat? Homemade dog treats are perfect for this. This meat based treats is grain free and containing beneficial herbs such as, turmeric and parsley.

Fiddo will love these treats, and more than likely beg for more.

Natural Dog Treats

Dogs are designed to eat meat. Minimizing the amount of grains, fruit, and vegetables being offered can reduce yeast issues. That's what makes homemade dog treats a healthier option for our pets.

dehydrated dog treats - liver and turmeric

Any type of meat can be made into healthy dog treats. In addition to meat, muscle meat such as the heart, tongue, poultry gizzard are used. Organ meat such as liver is also ideal.

  • Beef
  • Poultry
  • Pork
  • Rabbit
  • Goat

In addition to meat, seafood also makes for tasty dog snacks. Fish which are higher in Omega 3 make great choices. Remember, wild and not farmed is a much healthier option. These items can be provided raw, smoked, and even dehydrated.

  • Mackerel
  • Salmon (especially the skin and underbelly)
  • Sardines

And let's not forget the feet. Poultry feet and cleaned pig trotters (feet) are excellent for dogs. Not only does poultry and pig trotters offer a good amount of glucosamine for joint health, these items also work to clean teeth.

Offer poultry feet raw or dehydrated, however, it's always best to offer thicker bones in their raw form. Cooked bones will splinter and can cause harm when swallowed.

Liver, Tumeric, and Parsley

Separately, each of these items has amazing qualities. However, when combined they create a medicinal powerhouse for dogs and humans.


Organic turmeric contains high levels of curcumin, which is excellent for dogs, and humans, in many ways.

Not only does turmeric contain anti-inflammatory qualities, it also promotes good heart health and works to detoxify the liver. Another amazing quality, turmeric is also known to relieve allergies and contains cancer fighting properties.

In order for curcumin to be properly absorbed into the body it must be accompanied by a binding agent. And this agent is freshly ground black peppercorn.

For yourself, sooth tired muscles with a warm glass of turmeric milk.

Whole peppercorn

Freshly ground peppercorn promotes good gum health and is known to help eliminate internal parasites.  Ground peppercorn also assists in the absorption of many vitamins and minerals.

Remember, in order for the body to fully benefit from curcumin, a 1 1/2-teaspoon of freshly ground peppercorn must accompany a 1/2-cup of organic turmeric powder.

Pumpkin puree helps with constipation and diarrhea in dogs.


Parsley is not only an excellent breath freshener, it also has amazing health benefits.  This herb has been said to soothe arthritis discomfort, reduce the risks of cancer, and is used to aid urinary tract infections

With that said, dogs which are pregnant or have kidney issues should avoid consuming parley.

Turmeric can cause constipation. Offering fresh will help prevent this issue. If constipation should occur, feed 1 tablespoon of pumpkin puree a few times a day until the issue has been resolved. Canning pumpkin each Fall will help with this problem.

dehydrated dog treats - liver and turmeric

Natural Dog Treats – Ingredients

As you would feed yourself, select only the cleanest food items for pets. Grow, or purchase, organic turmeric root and dehydrate it using a home dehydrator. Plan to grow parsley, not only for personal consumption but also for your pet.

Also, select grass fed or pasture raised meat in place of grain fed.

  • 1 pound grass fed beef liver
  • 1/2 cup organic turmeric powder
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground organic peppercorn
  • 2 tablespoons dried organic parsley


The dehydrator photographed is a Nesco. We have since ungraded to an Excalibur dehydrator. The Excalibur has allowed us to dry more treats in a shorter amount of time due to the fan placement.

  • Dehydrator
  • Small mixing bowl
  • Quart size mason jar
  • Oxygen absorber, optional
  • Jar sealer, optional

Making a large batch of healthy dog treats requires storing them properly. Adding an oxygen absorber to each jar will absorb any moisture within the jar. Vacuum sealing jars with the use of a jar sealer will help to maintain freshness for a longer period of time.

However, smaller batches can be stored without being vacuum sealed.

homemade dog treats

Healthy Dog Treats – Instructions

Cut all pieces as uniform as possible to allow for even drying.

  1. In a mixing bowl add turmeric, freshly cracked peppercorn, and dried parsley.
  2. Begin by slicing the liver into even 1/4-inch thick pieces. Next, cut the liver into 2-inch x 3-inch long strips.
  3. Thoroughly cover the liver with the turmeric mixture.
  4. Lay the coated liver onto the dehydrator trays, making sure the strips are not touching.
  5. The liver and turmeric dog treats will take between 10 to 12 hours to dry. Refer to the dehydrator's manual for the correct drying temperature.


At the 10 hour mark begin checking for a finished product. Dried liver will have the same consistency of jerky, and is shelf stable.

Homemade Dog Treats – Printable Recipe Card

Enjoy making all natural dog treats for your pup with this handy printable recipe card.

Prep Time 10 minutes

Drying Time 12 hours

Total Time 12 hours 10 minutes


  1. In a mixing bowl add turmeric, freshly cracked peppercorn, and dried parsley.
  2. Begin by slicing the liver into even 1/4-inch thick pieces. Next, cut the strips into 2-inch x 3-inch long strips.
  3. Thoroughly cover the liver with the turmeric mixture.
  4. Lay the coated liver onto the dehydrator trays, making sure the strips are not touching.
  5. The liver and turmeric dog treats will take between 10 to 12 hours to dry. Refer to the dehydrator's manual for the correct drying temperature.



  • Dehydrator

  • Small Mixing Bowl

  • Quart size mason jar

  • Oxygen absorber, optional

  • Jar sealer, optional

At the 10 hour mark begin checking for a finished product. Dried liver will have the same consistency of jerky and is shelf stable.

Nutrition Information:

Serving Size:

1 grams
Amount Per Serving: Unsaturated Fat: 0g

Healthy dog treats are extremely easy to make, not to mention, much healthier than what is available at local pet stores. Stay turned for addition recipes for your pups.


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